Sunday, December 26, 2010

December 26th, HB Surf Report

Merry Christmas. Woke up to 5-10 MPH on-shores this morning, cold dreary and wet everywhere. Hit a rode block while trying to get my morning joe, leaving me walking about for half an hour before making it onto the beach. By the time the camera got set up the winds were variable offshore to calm, and the sun was shining just a bit. The local boys had an eye on conditions and within the twenty minutes of filming i had done, about ten to fifteen people entered the water on either side of the pier. It is 10:15 now and the HB smokestack is slowly spindling upwards, without a lick of drag on its billowy cylinder. Conditions have improved since this morning

There is still lots of trash down on the beach, but the tide and winds are looking like they might make for a decent beach day. Make sure you pick up a few pieces of plastic if you make it today, every little bit helps.

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